domingo, 30 de julho de 2017

He continues living.

We should always believe & hope his coming back or second come , however only He resurrected in the world and nobody else, Really we need to receive and believe about this.

by F.Onassis
written for all the people in the world.

sábado, 29 de julho de 2017

The love God.

This video show love of Jesus for all the people, really He  loved first here in the world and the paradise, He continues loving us forever think on the things that's  okay

writen for all the people.

The love of God.

This video show that the world is trouble, really need many peace, many love with all the people, we want to peace and no terrorists atacks , no war religeons, therefor God is love and He is not division.

by F.Onassis
written for all the people.
