domingo, 26 de maio de 2013

                                                        The Lord's day.:

"Kuriakon" = That which belong to the Lord . in this case, We have wiritten or seen by new Testament(Bible); So We also have the day of the Lord, take a look in Revelation 1:10, for this is name Lord, it's means : Master;Sovereingn, Ruler, Authority; and Jehovah also , Jesus Christ that He's our Lord, To see in( Matthews 28:1" After the sabbath, at dawn on the first day of week...." );We have to praise the Lord about first day of week= lat.Dominicus Dies/Dominica, gk.Kiriaké hemera, for Jesus has been raised from the dead in this day, this's resurrection. Finally, The cristians Sunday, or First day of the week, especially when observed as day of rest and worship, observed by cristians only.Not observed by the jews 's people.

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